Indonesian Culture Episode - 1 - Wayang Orang
This is my own project, and very original, I use free royalty music to post this so, there's no DMCA in this video. I post it in english cuz I want everybody knows more about Indonesia, even Indonesian people doesnt know about it, and I hope Indonesian people can improve & conserve their own culture in the future.
I'm sorry I dont use my voice, I use robotic voices from internet, but don't worry I've include hard subbed subtitle in this video. Enjoy it :D
- Image by: Bagus Budiyanto
- Lead Project: Cedrick Kinnison
- Made by: Cedrick Kinnison
- Status: New Project
- Produced by: Cyberdrick Entertainment (My own alias as home production company maybe?)
- Voice by: Text to speech
P.S Sorry, bad quality, hope I can make it better on the next episodes.