About Admin

First, why I make this post? Am I just some narcisstic person? No, I just want to introduce myself to this blog and it's readers. Ok, lets go to my biography, I mean biodata lol

  • Real Name: I don't want to be exposed, sorry.
  • Nickname: Cedrick Kinnison / Cedrickson
  • Age: 22 
  • Gender: Male
  • Occupation: Brawijaya University's Japanese Literature - Malang, East Java, Indonesia
  • Twitter: @cedrickson 
  • Facebook: fb.com/cedrickkinnsion
  • Status on this blog: Administrator, translator, timer, owner
  • Anything About Me: I'm just a boy who loves learning the other languages I'd like to learn. You can say I'm otaku or whatever, I loves translating things like films or movie, I had a lack skill of conversation. I started my translation thing after I joined the IndoAnime forum's fansub named Hikari-Fansub, I'm the one who translate movies there to Indonesian, but long before I join that forum, I always working alone for translating things. Now I'm just focus for my lone translations. 
Anyway, thanks for attentions, anything about translations or home made video written or showed on this blog is my own translation, you can share it anywhere including the credits.

Nice to meet you, hope you like my translation, if you wanna help me with the translations you can offer help here or just contact me on twitter or facebook.

You can support me by click one of advertisement showed in this blog.


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